Friday, August 21, 2009

Life Without People

Would Suck! They give us headaches, backaches, stress, trauma, tears, joy, fear, anxiety, and love. They are beautiful. They are ugly. They are mean. They are lovely. They cuddle. They shy from touch. They are people.
I cannot imagine life without them.

Is it wrong to say that people are dumb? I don't think so.
We hurt others to protect ourselves and expect others to still care for us. We take advantage of people for our own advantage and expect them to not return the favor. We fear soo much from others who are just like us, for as humans we have great capacity to hurt others. At the same time, we have a great capacity to love others.

You see, love is not about "me." It is about "you." How I care for you is how I love you, and when I do not care for you, I do not love you very much.
We are truly a marvelously stupid species. :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Health Rants

So, I am about to schedule my sit for the Personal Trainer test, and I feel like I have all of this knowledge that could benefit people. For instance, today I went to Great Harvest Bakery (mmm... Yummy carbs) and this women was talking to me about how what I was getting was probably not the best thing to eat after a workout. Well, we should all know by now that you don't tell people what to eat unless they ask you. It's rude. And YES a six pack of abs is gaine with nutrition and exercise. Did I mention NUTRITION? So, I go into this soliloquy about how how eating those crappy carbs immediatelty after exercise is probably one of the only times that I should down unhealthy carbs, and she walked away.

Anyway, I guess that conversation was over. May I reiterate that people do not like to hear about their diet choices (Diet here means a lifestyle of eating, not a fad or two week pre-wedding starvation). Oh, and another thing I learned is that I rant at people when I am hungry. (Am I hungry right now?)

P.S. Excuse the bad grammar. I am feeling a little lazy after I worked out. :)>

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Soo long

It has been soo long that I almost forgot that I could write here. After all, this is my blog.
Life travels by me and its passing hand takes mine with it. Life is a gift that I do not think I ever want to give up. Now, I try not to hold too firmly in case God decides it should end. However, I do embrace it with all of its joys, woes, and loves.

Enjoy this clip of Thomas Hampson singing Largo. I do not understand how people can hate beautiful singing, but it happens. :( :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I have always been struck by the line in Pride and Prejudice where Lizzy tells Mr. Darcy that he only becomes a good converser if he practices conversing. Well, this definitely pertains to me and many of my friends. I was noticing that I rarely "hang out" with people. I don't think it is because I do not like people. I just don't desire to hold one way conversations. That is why I tend to flock toward conversing with the fairer sex. They always seem to be able to talk about something. I find that very entertaining, engaging, and delightful. But I have seen a downside to such sex lopsidedness. I am almost cut off from conversation with my own sex. And I cannot give justice solely to females without acknowledging those men who talk freely and converse well. What do you think about the topic of conversing sexes? (Look at Minutes 4:30- 6:00 if you do not want to watch the whole clip)

Friday, January 2, 2009

What would you do?

if you couldn't do the thing you loved most. Or is there a person out there who can change what they love at any point in time? You see, I love to practice, play, and perform music. But it seems that my voice is working against me right now. Nevertheless, I still cannot imagine doing something else. It is weird. It is like music is some kind of symbiotic being. My life depends on it (in some odd way), and it feeds on me- but gives me life. What is that? Anyway, enough ranting. Enjoy this clip sung by Andreas Scholl. The male voice is an amazing beast (Beast- a positive term for an amazing, polished human product of any kind).

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Friggin' Christmas

We all ask ourselves, why are the holidays soo stressful? I mean people (especially at Wal-Mart) had this expression on their face that said- Merry Friggin Christmas (which must be said angrily and with much holiday "cheer" ;). Anyway, let's all breathe and remember that there are more important things than just buying the perfect gift- like kindness and giving and other things. Whatever- I'm feeling a little sentimental, passionate, and dashy. Ba humbug!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

the Fairer Sex

Why are they soo stinkin' nice and gentle (beside those times they get...). I don't get it. I can try to be gentle, but it just seems to come natural to them! Well, where does it come from? Huh? Maybe I'm just off my rocker.